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Mens Drum and Chant

Men, let us revive the Sacred Circles! Let us gather for ceremonial drumming, and voicing our souls through vocal toning and chanting. Liberate your soul and resonate as spiritual warriors.


Life is about living in an environment of contrast, the question is how are you responding? Are you truly excited and inspired about the challenges life offers, overwhelmed, or maybe on auto-pilot because you don't feel a strong calling that inspires you to rise to the occasion? This event is about connecting with your spirit through drumming, chanting, and non-verbal vocal toning. This connection with spirit creates an opportunity for remembering who we are, what we are here for, and meeting life challenges with inspiration and passion.


The above image of the Sri Yantra is an ancient Hindu/Tibetan symbol that is very complex, but shows natural balance of the Masculine and Feminine energies within. Notice that there are four triangles pointing upward representing masculine and five pointing downwards representing the feminine. As the pattern expands, the balance always stays slightly on the feminine side. This ensures we practice yielding vs. advancing, being flexible vs. rigid, trusting the heart, and living in greater harmony with ourselves and the world.


We will use vocal techniques, drumming, and sound to liberate your Soul and embody higher vibrations. We will move move old energy, creating space for greater happiness, clarity and feelings of self-empowerment. Rather than singing words from the mind we will sing (((SOUNDS))) from deep within the heart and soul. This is NOT mens choir! and you'll love it. Opening to voice and drum in this way can be deeply healing and empowering in ways you never imagined. This is esoteric, but very grounded, practical spiritual work with immediate results.


January 9, 6:30pm-9pm

$36 pre-registration is required, and is limited to the first 6 to complete registration.

Event often sells out. If the registration link below is functional, tickets are available. 

This is held in our personal meditation/sound room. Exact location will be given upon registration, near Hampden and Federal in SW Denver.


*** Bring a frame drum (Native American style) if you have one, if you don't have one some will be available for use and/or purchase. Please do not bring other style drums such as djembe, etc., we will not be using those at this time.


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I am very grateful and humbled to be in the position of facilitating these events. I hold much gratitude to those in this world and beyond who carry the wisdom and pass it on. I honor these teachings and have seen and experienced its power many times. If you are called to attend I will give you everything I've got and will expect no less from you.

- Michael Cutter (Heartsong)

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